Use cursor with stored procedure

From: Vavail Fred <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 12:30:46 +0200
Message-ID: <a8rrc3$vl8$>

[Quoted] Hi there !

I have a problem writing a procedure which return a cursor. Firstly, I declare my cursor in a package ...

PACKAGE p_test
  cursor orga is select nom_orga, adr1_orga from t_organisme;   type CurseurTest is ref cursor return orga%rowtype; end p_test;

... and then, here is the procedure which have to return the cursor :

PROCEDURE my_proc ( curseur in out p_test.CurseurTest, nom_orga out varchar2, adr1_orga out varchar2)
  open curseur
  select nom_orga, adr1_orga
  into nom_orga, adr1_orga
  from t_organisme;


My package and my procedure are fine compiled. But I can't succeed to run it !
Have you any idea to run that correctly ?

TIA Best regards,
Fred Received on Mon Apr 08 2002 - 12:30:46 CEST

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