OCI: Write BLOB's

From: Axel Fix <Axel.Fix_at_t-systems.de>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 10:36:28 +0100
Message-ID: <1008063390.465545_at_blau.b3.dsh.de>


[Quoted] I wrote a class to encapsulate Insert statements and now I want to insert blob's.
The statement looks like:

    insert into foo (b,c) values (:0, :1) where b is a blob column.
I have found that if I write the statement like above I have to initialize the lob locator
[Quoted] before I bind it. So I do the following (buffered statement):

... // init the blob column

    ub4 loc_empty = 0;
    for (c=0;c < row_size;c++)
    { ....

       // bei c == 0  -->
       // set all loc empty
       for (r=0;r < nrows;r++)
       { OCIDescriptorAlloc(env, &row[c].blob[r], (ub4)OCI_DTYPE_LOB, 0,
          OCIAttrSet(row[c].blob[r], OCI_DTYPE_LOB, &loc_empty,
                             OCI_ATTR_LOBEMPTY, error);
       OCIBindByPos(hstmt, &row[c].hbnd, error, c+1,
                      &row[c].blob[0], sizeof(void*), row[c].dty,
                      &row[c].nidx[0], NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, OCI_DEFAULT);
       OCIBindArrayOfStruct(row[c].hbnd, error,(sb4)row[c].size, 0,0,0);
... // and later I want to write
const char*     buff = "test test test test test test test test";
ub4                amtp;
dword            bsz, off=1;

bsz = amtp = strlen(buff);
OCILobWrite(ctx, error, row[c].blob[0],  &amtp, off,              // I
really want to write at blob 0
                buff, bsz, OCI_ONE_PIECE, NULL, NULL, 0,

But this call return -2 (OCI_INVALID_HANDLE). Where is the problem? I hope somebody can help me.

Thanks in advance,
Axel Received on Tue Dec 11 2001 - 10:36:28 CET

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