C++oo4ole/ Oraclm32.dll access violation

From: Anthony Fedirko <afedirko_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 18 Oct 2001 09:12:43 -0700
Message-ID: <1c1cbf24.0110180812.1b729ec7_at_posting.google.com>


[Quoted] I am attempting to run the Oracle OO4O sample with a slight modification and I get an Access Violation on the OShutdown() call:

First-chance exception in Tony3.exe (ORACLM32.DLL): 0xC0000005: Access Violation.

I tried uninstalling OO4O and installing the latest files for the OTN site OO4O version and it did not help.


Below is the code:

#include "oracl.h"

int main()
// Initialize the C++ Class Library before use.
// Usually initialization is done at the beginning of the program.

// Construct a database, obtaining a database connection:
ODatabase odb("RD2T", "scott", "tiger");
// The Odatabase object (odb) allows you to connect to a database
// ("ExampleDB") along with other connection information, and so sets
// you up to execute SQL statements.

// Construct a dynaset, obtaining the data records:
ODynaset odyn(odb, "select * from emp");

// The dynaset (odyn) corresponds to a cursor. It gives you access
// to the rows that are obtained by an SQL select statement.

// Create a variable to contain salary information:
double salary;

// Now look at each record:

while (!odyn.IsEOF())
// This method (IsEOF) returns TRUE when you have moved through the
// entire set.


    // Get the salary for the current record:     odyn.GetFieldValue("sal", &salary);

        printf("Salary = %f\n", salary);

    // This overloaded method (GetFieldValue) obtains the value of

    // a field in the current record of the dynaset.     

    // Do something with the salary:
    //salary = salary + 1;

    // This method (Analyze) is created by the user.

    // Go to the next record (perhaps moving past the last record):     odyn.MoveNext();
    // This overloaded method (MoveNext) changes the current record     // to be the next record in the dynaset's result set. }
// Uninitialize the C++ Class Library when you are finished with it.
// Usually uninitialization is done at the end of the program.


return 0;

} Received on Thu Oct 18 2001 - 18:12:43 CEST

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