Menu (Roles)

From: Alexander Bogomol <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 16:37:32 +0300
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Can anybody explain me how to use a menu security (Developer 2000)? I've done the following steps:
1. created a database role called MANAGER

     granted that role to the USER (I used CREATE ROLE MANAGER and GRANT MANAGER TO USER commands)

 2. entered the MANAGER for the Menu Module Roles.
 3.  set up YES for the USE SECURITY.
 4. And set up the MANAGER role in the Menu Item Role for the menu item.
  after executing a form, the following error occurs :
        "FRM-10256 The user have no privileges for working with the menu"
What is wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Alexander. Received on Thu May 03 2001 - 15:37:32 CEST

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