Re: How do I retrieve last rec in a table?

From: Andy Hardy <>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 09:00:36 +0100
Message-ID: <8rhcct$suq$>


In Dev2K use the LAST_RECORD command to get to the last record in the block.

If you want to do this in PL/SQL cursor try something like:

SELECT service_provider_id

  FROM service_providers
 WHERE service_provider_id = (

                                                      FROM service_providers


Opinions are mine and may not reflect those of BG Technology Ltd

dniel navarro <> wrote in message

> This may be a dumb question, but how do you get the last record in a
> table. I would like to implement this feature in my Dev2K App where
> the user will hit a button and depending on the datablock hs/she is
> focused in on, the app will take them to the last record. I figured out
> how to get to the first record, but I'm stumped on how to retrieve the
> last one. This is my code so far that gets me to the last record...
> declare
> cursor cur_x is
> select
> service_provider_id,
> provider_name
> from service_providers
> order by service_provider_id;
> begin
> dbms_output.enable;
> for rec_x in cur_x loop
> dbms_output.put_line ('service provider id: ' ||
> rec_x.service_provider_id);
> end loop;
> end;
> NOTE: I'm using Oracle Server 8.0.5 on Solaris. Developer2K Rel.2.1
Received on Thu Oct 05 2000 - 10:00:36 CEST

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