how to specify "virtual host" or URL forwarding/redir for OAS apps?

From: Verna Legaspi <>
Date: 2000/07/20
Message-ID: <1zMd5.902$>#1/1


Is there a way to make a virtual host or some type of URL forwarding or redirecting for OAS applications in OAS? The URLs for our apps now are pretty ugly: http://host.domain:7799/app/dad/cartridge/package.procedure (or something similar to that). I'd just like to "convert" that to http://appname/.

We're running OAS 4081 on Solaris 2.6

I've tried playing with the listener's network section, but so far have no luck. Is there something I've missed?

Verna Received on Thu Jul 20 2000 - 00:00:00 CEST

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