Re: Opening a Multiple Forms from within a Form

From: DanHW <>
Date: 20 Apr 2000 01:47:11 GMT
Message-ID: <>

>> I would rather that runtime just took the user to the instance of the
>> Form that is already open, so that only one instance of each Form can
>> be open at any one time.
>You may take use of global variables.
>In your menu item code check if a global varable was set. If it's true, use
>the find_form built-in and
>navigate to your form without starting a new instance of the form. If not,
>set the variable and open the form.
You might also write a function that checks for a form by find_form, and if it finds one, return true, else return false. This allows the calling program to control any parameters etc for the open_form...

if form_already_opened ('my_form') then


   open_form ('my_form',...para_list)
end if;

function form_already_opened (fv_form_name varchar2) is

lv_form_id form;
lb_form_found boolean := false;

   lv_form_id := find_form(fv_form_name);    if not id_null(lv_form_id) then

        lb_form_found := true;
   end if;

  return lb_form_found;

Hope that helps...
Dan Hekimian-Williams

lv_form_id Received on Thu Apr 20 2000 - 03:47:11 CEST

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