Unicode general questions

From: <argosy22_at_my-deja.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 17:43:04 GMT
Message-ID: <8bdl33$83l$1_at_nnrp1.deja.com>

[Quoted] HI all,

We are currently using Oracle 7.3.4, but will be migrating to 8i.

We are going to create a new database that must support a number of languages, eventurally including Chinese, Japanese and Korean. I'm thinking that Unicode will be the way to go.

I notice that some Chinese charactersets used in Oracle are 32 bits (4 bytes), and others are only 16 bits (2 bytes).

However, Unicode is only 24 bits. To me, this would limit the Chinese to the simplied 16 bit. Is this right?

The other question is, if I use Unicode, I can store in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, English, German, etc., correct? It's the application that will need to be able to handle the display of the languages to screen, correct?

Are there any considerationsn on the Unix side? Can I put Unicode on top of an English Unix Sun server, and still have everything work?



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