SQL-Loader: handling excess data fields in file

From: Juergen Hartelt <juergen.hartelt_at_t-mobil.de>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 17:21:19 +0100
Message-ID: <38D109FF.16078AC_at_t-mobil.de>

Hi ,

I am currently experiencing a strange SQL Loader behaviour. I have to load files with delimited data fields into the DB. one line in the file is one row in the table. if there are too few fields in a line Loader gives an error or I can use the "trailing nullcols" option. but the opposite error case of too many fields in a line is not handled by Loader in any way. Is there anything I could do to elicit some reaction from Loader?

I, could of course, write a Tool for checking the data file beforehand. but that is not a currently favored solution.

Juergen Received on Thu Mar 16 2000 - 17:21:19 CET

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