OAS 4.0 + NT4.0 + Svc Pak4.0

From: Dong Chung <r42014_at_email.sps.mot.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 16:40:43 -0700
Message-ID: <387FB3FB.394F9D93_at_email.sps.mot.com>

[Quoted] Hi All,

[Quoted] I installed the ORACLE APPLICATION SERVER 4.0.7 and when i tried to start it i received this error:

[Quoted] "ORB is not responding. Please restart manually... OWS-20214: The OAS processes can not be started, because the CORBA orb processes can not be started."

I found a post regarding the problem and it sounds like there is a compatibility issue between OAS 4.0.7 and NT Svc Pack 4.0.

So I upgraded NT service pack to 6.0a version. But still have the same problem.

Oracle Installation manual lists Svc pack 3.0 as a requirement.

Would anyone have any idea of how I can solve this issue. Any help is appreciated.

D.C. Chung
Received on Sat Jan 15 2000 - 00:40:43 CET

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