Report, only show those "parent" where a child exists

From: mig <>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 17:13:57 +0100
Message-ID: <iNu44.148$>

[Quoted] How does one limit the report to show parent records (from group q1) only when a records exists in the child query (q2) I thought I knew:

I tried to make a counter in q2 - and that can exists in the parent-group frame (at the parent level), and when the counter is 0 then a trigger to the [Quoted] parent level saying that then the parent record is not to be printed - but now I can-not make it work

and does anybody have another better method

thanks in advance

akarb$ (well remove the $)

please also send a email if possible - as I do not often read theis newsgroup Received on Sat Dec 11 1999 - 17:13:57 CET

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