Re: replication, save database... need help.

From: Brian W. Chester <>
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 00:12:37 GMT
Message-ID: <VnKU3.838$>


[Quoted] Oracle is the answer to both of your questions!

Oracle Advanced Replication option can be installed at each location your [Quoted] Oracle server is installed. Other than installing the advanced replication [Quoted] feature, you will need a WAN (wide area network) with sufficient bandwidth [Quoted] to handle the expected amount of replicated data. At one of my client's [Quoted] sites, I have 15 Oracle 8 Personal Edition machines replicating to a central [Quoted] server via dialup networking and larger sites using 256k Frame relay circuits for large replication tasks. Setting up replication is not difficult but does require careful planning at all stages of the database design.

[Quoted] Performing "hot" backups in Oracle is accomplished by placing the database [Quoted] in "archive" mode. This allows you to take tablespaces off line to perform [Quoted] the backup while the database remains live. This feature requires great [Quoted] care in the design of your database architecture and in the design of the [Quoted] tables, indexes and other objects.

Additional tools are not required, but other administrators prefer different [Quoted] techniques. Your DBA(s) should construct a custom plan for you specific requirements.


[Quoted] hassane wrote in message <>...
>i am looking to know how we can implement a database
>solution with Oracle, the database will be on several places,
>and i need that each synchronise itself with the others, how
>we can do that? what tools can do it?
>i also need that my database will be saved in "hot" conditions,
>it means that we can work with Oracle and it can be saved
>in the same time, i need to know the best tools can do that.
>i thank you for all answers...
Received on Sat Nov 06 1999 - 01:12:37 CET

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