I have been trying posting this before but with no luck. FORMS 5 QUESTION

From: John N <jn14624_at_erols.com>
Date: 24 Sep 1999 12:38:17 GMT
Message-ID: <01bf06a3$a7370520$b4fe7ad1_at_johnboy>

[Quoted] My LOV does not display on the form even though I've been correctly setting all the properties for the LOV, RG, FORM etc.

Sometimes they show for a brief moment, and then disappear. When the LOV shows, during the run looks like a tabular line.

This is a multipart form.
Any ideas? Thanks
jn14624_at_erols.com Received on Fri Sep 24 1999 - 14:38:17 CEST

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