Re: Is there such a thing as a PL/SQL context in Oracle?

From: Michel Cadot <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:32:54 +0200
Message-ID: <7ro77h$l4s$>

User that executes a function has the privileges of the owner of the function.

You can revoke select on table fruit from all users et grant them execute on the function GetFruit which owner is the owner of the table.
Like this the other users can only get the informations from the table fruit via the function GetFruit.

Martin Douglas a écrit dans le message <>...
>Here's an odd question that has bugged me for a while. Say I create a
>table named fruit in schema guest. Then I also create a function named
>GetFruit in schema guest that simply queries table fruit and returns
>something. Now, I want to allow the function GetFruit to query table
>fruit, but not permit a direct query on the table itself. How do I, or
>can I even, instruct Oracle to discriminate based on the type of caller?
>Something like revoking SELECT on the table but granting SELECT BY
>PROCEDURE simulataneously.
Received on Wed Sep 15 1999 - 15:32:54 CEST

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