WebDB - Using sequences

From: Jason Ekamper <jasek_at_bigpond.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 14:57:39 +0800
Message-ID: <7pb18d$lck$1_at_news.cowan.edu.au>

[Quoted] Hi. I am currently involved in a university project developing a web enabled [Quoted] application. we have chosen WebDB as our platform to develop/deploy. We have [Quoted] created a sequence (clientid_seq) to insert the next number etc. How do we get the form primary key to access the predefined sequence. The tutorials dont seem to explain how to access the sequence through a form, only to create them.

Any help would be appreciated.

Jason Ekamper
Jasek_at_bigpond.com Received on Tue Aug 17 1999 - 08:57:39 CEST

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