Re: Constraint based on sysdate

From: DanHW <>
Date: 23 Jul 1999 03:38:15 GMT
Message-ID: <>

>You can't use a constraint, but you can use a trigger to do it.
>SELECT sysdate INTO v_sysdate FROM dual; --Put the sysdate into a variable
>IF date_column != v_sysdate -- Compare the values
> RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'You cannot use this date'); --
>Disallow the transaction

You don't need to select sysdate from dual, you can use it directly...

if sysdate - 15*365 < :new.date_column then

   raise_application_error (-20001, ' Date cannot be before '||to_char(sysdate-15*365));
end if;

Dan Received on Fri Jul 23 1999 - 05:38:15 CEST

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