Need fileserver specs - any clues?

From: Teus van Lingen <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 18:01:06 -0300
Message-ID: <>


[Quoted] I am asked to come up with some specs for a company file-server (as opposed to database server). The server is to hold user files, program files and Oracle Developer runtime files. The OS is probably NT, although we're making a point for Linux. About 250 users are going to use the new box.

I have searched whatever sites I could think of for hardware specs, but it doesn'y seem to be a big concern to Software and hardware vendors alike.

Does anyone have a clue, a checklist, a ready-to-go specs sheet or a useful link where I could find the info?


Teus van Lingen.
Oracle DBA Received on Mon May 10 1999 - 23:01:06 CEST

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