Q? Web Forms Performance

From: <sensslen_at_gds.ca>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 21:24:26 GMT
Message-ID: <7afc1v$nt9$1_at_nnrp1.dejanews.com>

[Quoted] Hi Everyone,

  I'm an Oracle Developer and an Internet developer. I wear two different hats. I build Client server applications using oracle's developer toolset and I build internet applications using other toolsets (sybase,IBM, microsoft,etc).

    In January, I put together a demo of Oracle forms server web deployment. I ported 5 forms from forms 4.5 to 5.0 and set up the forms server.

    Performance was awful. It was not unusual to have to wait 60 seconds for the first form to open or a noticeable amount of time to insert records, etc. We were able to start the "thin" applet, the go to our desktops, start the client server version of forms, and enter and commit a record in the client server version before the applet window even appeared.

    Some quantifiable information was the the forms server process took up to 8-9 MB RAM per connection server side and at time in excess of 5 MB client side. It took so long to download between two machines on the same 10baseT ethernet LAN that we never considered running it over the internet ( minute at 10 Megabit = 20 minutes at 50K bit? Who's going to wait for that?)

  Is this normal? Does anyone have any ideas on how to improve this? I've tried contacting Oracle but they're stone walling me (which leads me to believe that this is normal and that the product really is awful). Any replies of your experiences would be appreciated.

    Steven Ensslen
    GDS & Associates Ltd.
(Yes, we are Alliance members. Yes, I've checked all the sites).

    Ok. Stats on what we're running:

    Database/Application/Web Server:

        P200, 64 Meg RAM, NT4 sp3.
        Database: Oracle work group
        Forms Server from developer 2.1 CD
        Web Server : IIS 4

(Other things running on server: 2 instances with maybe 5
connections, also used as file server by 5 people(total not concurrent))

    Network: 10 Base T (10 Megabit ethernet), 1 hub between server and client

    Clients: P166/P200, 96MB RAM, NT4 sp3 workstations     Browsers: IE 3+, NN3+
(notably, Forms server doesn't work with IE3 or NN3, despite the repeated claims of supporting all browsers. JInitiator is a hack. If Oracle supported the browsers they wouldn't need plugins).

    Other things running on client - Nothing, We shut everything else off.

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