OLE - FORMS Question, Urgent !

From: Jan Vissers <jtgvis_at_gironet.nl-nospam>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 03:16:54 +0100
Message-ID: <913453897.796136_at_jive.news.big-orange.net>

  1. I can associatie, say a Microsoft Word object, with an OLE Container Forms Item. [Quoted]
  2. I still can't seem to get it working the other way around.

       I'm quering records stored in the database. Each record might have a stored

       (Microsoft Word) document in it in a defined LONG RAW column. I want to be able

       to click on a button, when I see a document for which I want a file to be created.

       By this way I'm associating a LONG RAW column = OLE Container Forms Item

       with a (physical) file stored on the filesystem. DOES ANY KNOW HOW I CAN
Jan Vissers

please CC any replies to jvissers_at_orca.nl also. Received on Sat Dec 12 1998 - 03:16:54 CET

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