Re: Have I found a new bug, and old bug or am I stupid?

From: Yves RAISIN <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 21:28:57 GMT
Message-ID: <35dde4a0.57000585_at_firewall>

You must put e to_date before the decode like this insert into temp
(to_date(decode('20990101','0',null,to_date('20990101','YYYYMMDD')))) /

Without the decode oracle will not able to detect a date field and then convert the date from a char format then you will loose then century (your date should be 01.01.0099)

You can test it with a create view like this :

  1 create view aaa
  2 as
  3 select decode('20990101','0',null,to_date('20990101','YYYYMMDD')) xxx
  4* from dual
SQL> / Vue créée.

SQL> desc aaa

 Nom                  Non renseigné NULL? Type
 ------------------------------- -------- ----
 XXX                                      VARCHAR2(75)

  1* select * from aaa


And now:

  1 create view aaa
  2 as
  3 select
to_date(decode('20990101','0',null,to_date('20990101','YYYYMMDD'))) xxx
  4* from dual
SQL> / Vue créée.

SQL> desc aaa

 Nom                  Non renseigné NULL? Type
 ------------------------------- -------- ----
 XXX                                      DATE

  1* select to_char(xxx,'') from aaa SQL> / TO_CHAR(XXX,'DD.MM.YYYY')


That's all folk's

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998 17:18:23 GMT, Martin Anderson <> wrote:

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>RDBMS version
>Has anyone found any problems with inserting into a DATE type column
>using a DECODE statement and a century other than the current century?
>I have and it seems like a pretty major flaw. For example try this:
>insert into temp
>test_date is of type DATE. I can't explain what is going on here. I've
>tried different formats for the date with the same result, the wrong
>century is inserted into the table. This could amount to a LOT of code
>changes for us.
>Any help is ALWAYS recieved gratefully. The quicker the better because
>we are really up against the clock with this one.
>Thanks in advance.
>Martin Anderson
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>RDBMS version
><P>Has anyone found any problems with inserting into a DATE type column
>using a DECODE statement and a century other than the current century?&nbsp;
>I have and it seems like a pretty major flaw.&nbsp; For example try this:<B></B>
><P><B>insert into temp</B>
><P>test_date is of type DATE.&nbsp; I can't explain what is going on here.&nbsp;
>I've tried different formats for the date with the same result, the wrong
>century is inserted into the table.&nbsp; This could amount to a LOT of
>code changes for us.
><P>Any help is ALWAYS recieved gratefully.&nbsp; The quicker the better
>because we are really up against the clock with this one.
><P>Thanks in advance.
><P>Martin Anderson</HTML>
Received on Fri Aug 21 1998 - 23:28:57 CEST

Original text of this message