Re: How to generate specified Random

From: TurkBear <>
Date: 1998/08/14
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Try this:

Select doctor_name from doctor_table where doctor_spec = 'Dentist' and rownum < 2
Select doctor_name from doctor_table where doctor_spec = 'Radiologist' and rownum < 2 union

This will return a random set of the specs specified in the where clauses... Oracle stores randomly so, if you do not use an 'order by...' clause it will return a row at random ( not scientifically random, just not ordered or predictable )

[Quoted] Johnny Tjokro <> wrote:

>I have ORACLE that is sitting on UNIX
>The script that I am working on is :
>Let say I have lists of doctor's names. Each list is group by the
>doctor specialty.
>i.e. : Cancer, Plastic Surgery, Radiology, Dentist etc.
>What I am trying to achieve is :
>Let say I want to find a Dentist. And there are 2000 dentists on the
>Therefore, the script should randomly pick one out of 2000.
>I want to find a Radiologist. There are 300 radiologists on the list.
>Therefore, the script should randomly pick one out of 300.
>Any help would be appreciated.

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