SQL-Loader Problem

From: Henrik Bachmann <Henrik.Bachmann_at_bim-consulting.de>
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 11:06:48 GMT
Message-ID: <35a4a424.19011937_at_news.topnet.de>

[Quoted] Hi there anybody!

I'm trying to load some rows with fields from a file into a table, e.g. TO, SUBJECT and BODY. The field BODY consists of several physical lines. The number and the length of the rows of these BODY are variable. Another potential problem: The body contains free formatted text and characters, such as ",',|,~,...

Any ideas to create an appropriate control file for the loader?

Best regards


Henrik Bachmann
mailto:Henrik.Bachmann_at_bim-consulting.de B.I.M.-Consulting Magdeburg
Germany Received on Thu Jul 09 1998 - 13:06:48 CEST

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