des2k:Forms Generator,Prim key constraint and Error message

From: Lisa Tassoni <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 16:58:02 GMT
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Hello everyone,

In Forms3.0, the CaseGenerator would create a pre-insert trigger like this at the block level (or field level), to validate the primary key of a base table:


         NAME = PRE-INSERT
         TRIGGER_TYPE = V3
         TEXT = <<<

/* Call trigger(s) to check that the row to be inserted is
/* according to the unique and primary keys that have been set
/* on this table*/
BEGIN CGUV$CHK_TINT_PK_G( :TI.TINT_NOM /* IN : Field value*/ ,:TI.GRP_NOM ); /* IN : Field value*/ message_popup('This intervention already exists', 'E',TRUE); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END;

Notice the error message: "This intervention already exists". It came from the Case Dictionary : it is the error message for violation of the primary Key constraint ( CGUV$CHK_TINT_PK_G).

Now with the Forms Generator of Designer 2000, an on-error trigger for the block is created and the message displayed when the constraint is violated
is (ORA-00001: Unique constraint violated)

How can I get the error message from the Repository? Thanks in advance,
LT Received on Mon Jun 22 1998 - 18:58:02 CEST

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