PL/SQL Pragma problem "PLS-00452: Subprogram 'fnKorrList' violates its associated pragma

From: Alexander Day <>
Date: 1998/06/02
Message-ID: <>#1/1


I am having a hell of a time with a pragma statement! I've never had problems before, however, I have heard that there are some bugs with pragma references. I have the following in my package header:

function fnKorrList(inKorrID in pls_integer/*ksKorrespond.KorrID%type*/,

inRolleID in pls_integer/*ksRolle.RolleID%type*/ default pkCon.CN_TIL) return varchar2;

-- This is a pragma restricted reference that allows fnKorrList to be
called from an SQL statemenet
pragma restrict_references(fnKorrList, WNDS/*, WNPS, RNPS*/);

... and the following in my package body:

function fnKorrList(inKorrID in pls_integer/*ksKorrespond.KorrID%type*/,

inRolleID in pls_integer/*ksRolle.RolleID%type default pkCon.CN_TIL*/)
return varchar2

-- Declare local variables
vcName varchar2(100);
-- Declare the cursor that creates the list of people
cursor csRoleList is select M.Efternavn || ', ' || M.Fornavn "Navn" from ksMedArb M, ksKorresRolle KR where KR.KorrFK = inKorrID and KR.RolleFK = inRolleID and M.MedArbID = KR.MedArbFK; begin
-- Loop through the cursor and add the next value to our growing list
for crRec in csRoleList loop if vcName is null then vcName := crRec."Navn"; else vcName := vcName || ', ' || crRec."Navn"; end if; end loop;
-- Return the value
return vcName; end fnKorrList; ... I can not get it to compile and as far as I can tell, I'm not violating the associated pragma?!? Is there anyone who can help, Regards, Alexander Day SQL Systems Danmark
Received on Tue Jun 02 1998 - 00:00:00 CEST

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