SQL Worksheet BUG?????

From: Andreas <andreas.strott_at_uni-essen.de>
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 14:21:26 GMT
Message-ID: <35740988.5781447_at_news.uni-essen.de>


I am using SQL Worksheet v1.2 to access an ORACLE WORKGROUP Server on a Novell Netware Server 3.12
I created a user called t_piks.
I cannot connect as T_PIKS with SQL Worksheet. It's no problem with SQL/Plus v3.3
Is it the underscore in the username that causes the problem? and if so, is there a bugfix available?

please email me: andreas.strott_at_uni-essen.de

thanks in advance!!! Received on Tue Jun 02 1998 - 16:21:26 CEST

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