Forms 5.0 - unwanted default properties

From: Adrian Klingel <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 09:14:34 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I'm developing in Forms 5.0, and I'm using object libraries heavily.

But I've got this problem. . .

Let's say I have a blank canvas. I create a text item, and the item comes up gray. When I look at the properties for that item, there is a square next to all of the visual properties, like font, background color, font size, etc., which means that those properties have been changed. If I base that item on a smartclass, it inherits all of the smartclasses properties except those visual ones, since manual changes override inheritance. So when I look at the property list again after basing the item on the smartclass, the red 'X' of "not inherited" appears where the squares were. I have to reinherit every one of these properties for every object I create by hand. This blows away any time I originally saved by using object libraries. I hate this! What am I doing wrong? I really appreciate your help, and will endeavor to return the favor.

Adrian Klingel Received on Wed May 20 1998 - 16:14:34 CEST

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