Re: stop record navigation with forms 4.5-5?

From: WvA <>
Date: 1998/03/31
Message-ID: <>#1/1

From the Forms4.5 help-file :

Usage Notes:
Use a Post-Record trigger when you want to perform an action whenever the operator or the application moves the input focus from one record to another. For example, if you want to set a visual attribute for an item as the operator scrolls down through a set of records, you can do so from within this trigger.

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Please remove all X's from my E-mail account when replying.
Patrick Sloan wrote in message <>...

>Anyone out there know how to conditionally stop
>navigation to a new record?
>I have a form where I need to stop navigation from
>one record to another in the same block, when a certain
>control value is set.
>Any help would be great.
>Thanks Patrick.
Received on Tue Mar 31 1998 - 00:00:00 CEST

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