OCI 7.3 deffered mode parsing

From: Hristo Tonev <htonev_at_symantec.com>
Date: 1997/11/11
Message-ID: <34688E80.D20EE4E5_at_symantec.com>#1/1


Has anybody faced problems with oparse OCI 7.3 function? I have a C++ application that uses oparse to parse the SQL an if it is a select statement, I use odescr to get information about all columns in the result set. If I use non-deferred parsing everything is just fine. But if I try to use deferred parsing odescr returns error #-911. I tried to reproduce that problem in some ot the Oracle OCI samples, but I could not.

Thanks a lot!

Hristo Tonev
Symantec Corp.
htonev_at_symantec.com Received on Tue Nov 11 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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