Re: How Can Form4.5 Detect [SHIFT-DOWN]?

From: Ken Shirey <>
Date: 1997/11/03
Message-ID: <63kvi0$oos$>#1/1

You can always use Oracle Terminal to remap/delete unwanted keys.

>As title. I know that key [DOWN] can be 'disabled' by
>adding a NULL; command in the KEY-DOWN(sort of) trigger
>of an item. But it seems the form will do the same thing
>key [DOWN] does (moving to the next record) when
>users press [SHIFT-DOWN] key!
>How to deal with this?
>btw, can Oracle form detect other keystrokes like
>Ctrl, Alt, Del?
Received on Mon Nov 03 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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