Oracle 7.2 Year2000 & Medium dates

From: Mike Desson <>
Date: 1997/10/18
Message-ID: <01bcdbde$5bd5eb60$4ad7e6ce_at_993110h>#1/1

[Quoted] Can anyone provide a detailed solution on how to set Oracle7.2 properly to have dates entered in medium date format (01-Oct-20) interpretted as 01-October-2020 instead of 01-October-1920.

Apparently it's possible without reprogramming but we're having problems maling it work.

We have been told to add a line to config.ora NLS_DATE_FORMAT=DD-MON-RR and that the maximum date is 01-jan-37 (2037).

Then we heard that the statement was NLS_DATE_FORMAT=DD-MON-RRRR and the maximum date is 31-Dec-36.

Does anyone have it workling properly and will you send us some info on how to do it properly?

Please respond to

Mike Received on Sat Oct 18 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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