Unable to run a form stored in the Oracle database.

From: Maverick Chow <maverick.chow_at_nt.gov.au>
Date: 1997/09/18
Message-ID: <3420AD85.E97D39B5_at_nt.gov.au>#1/1

From the management point of view, it is preferably to save all form, menu and library modules to the database rather than the file system.

However, in FORMS 4.5 runtime, I can't find a way to run a form stored in the database. I suspect that I might need to add a new parameter in the Windows Registry (Regedit.exe) but unfortunately I don't know the parameter name.

Does anybody know how to run a form stored in the Oracle database using forms 4.5 runtime? If there isn't anyway to do that, what is the point to save all
the modules in the database? Received on Thu Sep 18 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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