I/O Error in temporary file C:\temp\4.tmp...

From: Mikko Utunen <Mikko.Utunen_at_es.ccfo.carel.fi>
Date: 1997/08/12
Message-ID: <33F0C894.7528_at_es.ccfo.carel.fi>#1/1

Hi !

We're using developer 2000 and Designer 4.5 V4. in Windows 3.11 (customer's desire). We have 32 MB RAM and permanent swap file is about 80 MB. AN interesting error occurs when ...

browsing in master block
and for each detail record three additional select statements have to be performed in post query -trigger to get non-base table items on the screen

when about 10 master records have been browsed (the total number of detail records is about 500) oracle produces the error message 'I/O error in temporary file c:\temp\4.tmp ' and after that follows 'Can not fetch next record..'

There is about 500 MB free in harddisk.

It would be very nice if somebody could give some hints how to avoid this problem.

Sincerely, Mikko Utunen

Mikko.Utunen_at_tietogroup.com Received on Tue Aug 12 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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