MSVC5.0 linker errors, please help

From: Joseph Hodge <>
Date: 1997/07/19
Message-ID: <01bc945b$b9b939f0$5f0492cf_at_hmis2>#1/1

[Quoted] This is the first time I have ever tried Pro*C for Windows NT. At work Pro*C is installed and that is where I ran the precompiler against [Quoted] DAEMON.PC (Which is in the documentation). At Home I have MSVC 5.0 and am dialed up remotely to work and am having problems thinking the DAEMON.C code. I get the following error:

unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl sqlcxt(void * *,unsigned long const *,struct sqlexd *,struct sqlcxp const *)" (?sqlcxt_at__at_YAXPAPAXPBKPAUsqlexd@@PBUsqlcxp@@@Z)

I am pathed to SQLLIB18.LIB and have included that library in my make file. [Quoted] Additionally I have tried linking the SQXLIB18.LIB and still have the unresolved external symbol problem.

Can anyone help me solve this problem ? Received on Sat Jul 19 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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