Re: Help:Pl/SQL Pass variable for sequence into SQL Select

From: Peter McKenzie <>
Date: 1997/07/11
Message-ID: <5q4g9f$6rg$>#1/1

Create a database function and 'register' all your sequences with it. (Create a script for creating Oracle sequences which also maintains your new database function)
To retrieve the sequence you want issue a select which looks something like this -
select function_next_number(sequence_name) from dual;

PEMM wrote in article <>...
>I'm somewhat of a beginner trying to write a fairly simple sequence
>generator in PL/SQL. The user selects a client name and based on that
>client name it returns the next sequence for that client.
Received on Fri Jul 11 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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