Re: Web server / Procedure Problem

From: Timothy Taylor <>
Date: 1997/06/03
Message-ID: <>#1/1

> Part of the Oracle WebServer is the Developers Toolkit which contains the htp
> and htf package. You have to install this toolkit, which can be done by
> creating a PL/SQL Agent. The user which tries to compile the PL/SQL packages
> with call to HTP or HTF needs to have grants to these packages.
> Ronald Schipper

I always just install the web server developer's kit under one owner (usually www_dba). Then I create synonyms for each of the packages and grant execute on them. Depending on the system, sometimes I just grant execute to public. Other times I create a role, WEB_DEV, grant execute on the packages to the role and then grant that role to all users who write web pages.

Tim Received on Tue Jun 03 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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