Re: Help! Dynamic SQL

From: Loyal Barber <>
Date: 1997/05/23
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Jen Chien wrote:
> Hi! Folks my question is:
> I'm using Oracle server 7.2 and Oracle Form 4.5. I want to use DBMS_SQL to create a procedure for the dynamic "Where Clause". However, after created the procedure, I also do the "DBMS_OUTPUT" to store the query result. I run the procedure at SQLPLUS. It works fine. By yhe way, Oraclr Form v4.5 wouldn't take the DBMS_SQL package. So all the actions I did above were created at Procedure Builder. [Quoted]
> However, I got the problem now. If I want to use this procedure at the Oacle Form. How shall I output those query results to :field.item. Becuase I want people to be able read those query result through :field.item. Can anyone just give me a hand here. Please!
> Borren
> ***************************************************
> PROCEDURE get_rows(where_clause varchar2) IS
> cursor1 integer;
> rows_processed integer;
> d_id number;
> d_title varchar2(225);
> cursor1 := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
> dbms_sql.parse (cursor1, 'select drs_id, documenttitle from document where '||
> where_clause ||'Order by 1', dbms_sql.v7);
> dbms_sql.define_column(cursor1, 1, d_id);
> dbms_sql.define_column(cursor1, 2, d_title, 225);
> rows_processed :=dbms_sql.execute(cursor1);
> loop
> if dbms_sql.fetch_rows (cursor1) >0 then
> dbms_sql.column_value (cursor1, 1, d_id);
> dbms_sql.column_value (cursor1, 2, d_title);
> dbms_output.put_line(to_char(d_id)); --------------->How could I output this to :field.item?

How about :field.item := to_char(d_id);? Should work fine.

If you are outputting only the two items: id and title, why not make them OUT parameters then:

procedure declare:

     PROCEDURE get_rows(where_clause varchar2,
                        pm_id OUT NUMBER,
                        pm_title OUT VARCHAR2) IS

and call would look like:

     get_rows ('my_where_clause', :b_my_block.ti_id, :b_my_block.ti_title);

and finally, the internals would be


That way you would interface with the procedure which would be responsible how it gets the data without overly tying the procedure to one set of rules.

> else
> exit;
> end if;
> end loop;
> dbms_sql.close_cursor(cursor1);
> exception
> when others then
> dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
> if dbms_sql.is_open(cursor1) then
> dbms_sql.close_cursor(cursor1);
> end if;
> END;
> ***************************************************

Loyal Barber
Edison Group Received on Fri May 23 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

Original text of this message