Re: New(?) Oracle books from

From: Robert Jefson <>
Date: 1997/04/16
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Robert Jefson wrote:
> I ordered 'Oracle Developer/2000 Handbook' and 'Oracle Designer/2000
> Handbook' from the Oracle Store for Oracle Developer Program members
> located at The books were listing on a page under the
> heading of "New Publications". I just received my books. The
> Developer/2000 Handbook is copyrighted in 1996 and contains a cdrom with
> a trial version of Developer/2000, release 1.2 for win 3.1. The
> Designer/2000 Handbook is copyrighted 1997, covers version 1.3, and has
> Septemer 1996 listed under the authors names in the 'acknowledgements'
> sections of the book. Also, checking the on-line bookstore
> for Designer/2000 I see a publication date of Nov. 1996
> and a total length of 610 pages which is exactly the number of pages my
> 1997 (supposedly) version has.
> Anyway, since these books are listed as "New Publications" on Oracle's
> web site and I am new to Oracle, its versions, and publications I'd
> appreciate it if any veterans could tell me if they think I have, in
> fact, received the newest versions of these books or are there are newer
> versions coming out shortly, etc. I called Oracle about returning the
> 1996 Developer/2000 Handbook, was passed around to 2 or 3 operators, and
> nobody seemed to know anything about whether what I had was in fact the
> most current versions or is Oracle advertising "New" and shipping "Old".
> -Rob

Update: I've been contacted by an individual connected with the Designer/2000 Handbook and assured that the book I have is the current version. I have no experience with CASE tools, but the book looks like a good introduction to the field and the capabilities of a tool like Designer/2000.

-Rob Received on Wed Apr 16 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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