Re: Experiences with Precise/SQL

From: Michael Ho <>
Date: 1997/04/09
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Ray Beecher wrote:
> I am very much interested in any/all experiences any of you may have had
> with the SQL tuning & analysis tools called Inspect/SQL & Analyze/SQL
> from Precise Software..
> Short 'n simple comments will suffice, but feel free to elaborate where
> necessary..
> 1. Works as advertised?
> 2. Easy to use?
> 3. Tech support?
> 4. A *must have* or *luxury* tool (i.e. how hard did you have to *sell*
> your manager on the purchase?)
> 5. Comparisons to other similar tools?

Fact is lots of client server projects failure is cause by third-party tools or services.

In my experience, most of the performance problem comes from the architecture,
not the SQL. If so, it will be simple.

Maybe I am stubbet. But I rather prefer typing SQL straightly and tune it myself,
I also encourage people to do it this way. Because :

  1. It help people LEARN fundimental concept of the RDBMS, and the way it works and its pros and cons. It improve people quality in analysis and trouble shooting. Even it may be difficult (personally, I don't think so), but definitely worth learning.
  2. Sometimes, I found experience are more accurate than rule or cost based optimizer.
  3. Predictable and Controllable are more important than Convienence.
  4. Afterall, only a very small portion of design and development time is spend on SQL.

Thase are only my own opionions, you may or may not agree. Anyway I am also interested
in comments from user of these tools.

Michael Received on Wed Apr 09 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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