SQL*MENU and COMMIT in a PL/SQL block das not work?

From: InfoAd - Jurrian Beuker <infoad_at_xs4all.nl>
Date: 1997/03/02
Message-ID: <5fbrld$oev$1_at_news1.xs4all.nl>#1/1


[Quoted] who can i commit changes made bij a update in an PL/SQL block with is in a Procesdure of SQL*Menu versie 5.
SQL*Menu thinks de commit is a SQL*Forms procedure and give a error.

Das somone knows the answer ?.

Bye Jurrian

InfoAd, Buro voor informatica.
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Ps. Let niet op de taalfouten, ik ben woordblind. Received on Sun Mar 02 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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