Re: Creating a user from forms 4.5

From: Richard Vernick <>
Date: 1996/12/21
Message-ID: <59fj13$>#1/1

Iain Crawford <> wrote:

>Hello all,

>I would be grateful if somebody out there could tell me how to issue a
>create user command from inside a form. I have a couple of variables
>that contain the user login and the role that needs to be associated
>with them.
>If i just do a create user within a trigger i get all sorts of wonderful
>error messages.
>Any help gratefully appreciated

>Iain Crawford

You can use the FORMS_DDL built in:

FORMS_DDL('CREATE USER ' || :BLOCK.NEW_USER || ' IDENTIFIED BY ' || :BLOCK.NEWPASSWORD); Don't forget the spaces after the words USER and BY and before IDENTIFIED. knock yourself out! Received on Sat Dec 21 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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