Built In Package - DBMS ALERT (Help!)

From: Peter C. Hugger <hugger_at_bms.com>
Date: 1996/11/25
Message-ID: <329A13BA.7212_at_bms.com>#1/1

I've been using the built-in package DBMS_ALERT and I need some information on how it handles errors. I hope someone out there can help. The basic structure of my Pro C program is quite simple:


  while (TRUE) {




The program works quite fine until the Database quits and then it begins to consume massive amounts of CPU cycles. The Status variable only returns a 0 (success) or 1 (timeout). How can I determine if the WAITONE call has failed due to the lack of a Database connection? If I could tell that something went wrong, I could reconnect or quit.


Imagination is the highest      \|/
kite one can fly - LB          (_at_ @)
Peter C. Hugger            ```       '''
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Scientific Information Systems
Applications Development Group Received on Mon Nov 25 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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