Oracle Reports Question (w/ Nested Matrix Reports)

From: Dylan Cooper <dylan_at_desert.ocm>
Date: 1996/11/11
Message-ID: <32879325.15BB_at_desert.ocm>#1/1

[Quoted] I am using Oracle Reports 2.0 and have created a nested matrix report with two variables repeating down and one variable repeating across. I would like to suppress the display of rows that have all null cells.

For example, I get this:

                col1    X       Y
        row1    row2

---- ---- --- ---
a 1 7 2 3 2 3 b 1 2 9 0 3 1 but would like this: col1 X Y row1 row2
---- ---- --- ---
a 1 7 3 2 3 b 2 9 0 3 1

since both cells for the rows (a,2) and (b,1) are null.

How can I do this?

Thanks, Dylan.

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