Re: The end is near: Coca Cola switches to UDB

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 19:20:27 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <haqmpr$f23$>

On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 12:10:05 -0400, MacRules wrote:

> Is it Oracle too buggy? How many patches to get it right ??

There are bugs in Oracle RDBMS, as in any decent database. Oracle support usually does a decent job when working with them.

> Is the RAC worth the price to pay for it? Cheaper replication solution
> is the way to go.

  1. RAC is not a replication solution. RAC doesn't replicate anything. Data Guard and STREAMS are replication solutions.
  2. RAC is a high availability solution. It's worth it if you need such high availability. Machines still do crash, for various reasons. If you need your database to be immediately available, RAC is a great thing. There are things that you have to know when managing RAC and RAC does make things considerably more complex but it is a life saver.
  3. If you have to ask the question, you probably don't need RAC.
Received on Sat Oct 10 2009 - 14:20:27 CDT

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