Re: create database fatal error

From: Tom Forsmo <>
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2008 10:55:49 +0200
Message-ID: <4870888f$>

Ana C. Dent wrote:
> 3002.htm#sthref5456

I have read it but it says little about the SYSTEM tablespace (ref my recent reply to sybrand: in my mind, SYSTEM is special from user tablespaces.)

So if this is the correct way of doing it, I assume the name of the SYSTEM tablespace is actually SYSTEM and not "sys01" or something. So I can add a command after the CREATE DATABASE statement to increase the tablespace. But should it not be possible to specify that size in the CREATE DATABASE statement, either in the actual statement or in the paramater file?


tommy Received on Sun Jul 06 2008 - 03:55:49 CDT

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