Re: Welcome back HJR

From: <>
Date: Sun, 4 May 2008 23:47:59 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On May 3, 10:38 am, hpuxrac <> wrote:
> On May 2, 8:37 pm, hpuxrac <> wrote:
> > He's alive and posting and well putting out scripts and offering
> > downloads that don't require passwords.
> > I for one wouldn't count on this being permanent so if you find
> > something useful well you better download it and not count on getting
> > it again "just in case".
> > I was curious to see how potentially useful the doris script might be
> > but well that became un-available after the great "whatever it was"
> > blog tagging fiasco.
> > Betting that it is just a matter of time before a forum appears again
> > eh?
> Sorry guess I should have noted the url

I don't quite understand why you would post such tripe unless you specifically WANTED me to remove what little material exists on the site.

Is that what you are after?

It wouldn't surprise me.

For the record (and the umpteenth time): whatever technical 'articles' appear these days do so because I'm writing to remind myself about this or that technical tidbit I've actually had to use lately. The doris script (singular, not plural. There's just one script available for download these days, not several) appears because I'm fed up supplying a password everytime I go to download it. And that's it.

There will, in short, be no forum. None of the old articles are coming back (unless *I* need convenient access to them, which so far applies to none of them). And no, I still don't participate in forums answering technical queries. And I still don't answer emails requesting technical advice. And I still won't respond to comments about Oracle technical matters that may get made on the blog. And if anyone who actively participated in that "blog tagging fiasco" bothers to make a comment on my blog, it will get deleted immediately because I still want nothing at all to do with people like that. (I agree with you, incidentally, that the blog tagging "game" was a complete failure, though not for the want of trying on the part of those doing the tagging).

So, in even shorter form: there's still no change in my attitude or stance towards 'the Oracle community'. So you lose your bet.

I'm amused that you should think any part of the Internet can be 'counted on to be permanent', by the way. Why you would think my site any different from any other in that respect, I have no idea. Received on Mon May 05 2008 - 01:47:59 CDT

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