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Re: Outsourcing developer to India and China - As an Oracle developer I am miffed

From: Noons <>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 23:57:19 +1000
Message-ID: <3f82c704$0$10617$>

"Anurag Varma" <> wrote in message news:Srxgb.2654$iZ6.7_at_news02.roc.ny...

> Ok now you are just slowly twisting the topic. I replied to your assertion that
> government does not allow IT companies to compete in Indian market.
> This news was 6 months old.

Whooopteedoo! 6 months...
I've counted 10 years that Australia has let Indian companies come here to sell their people. Not their software. Let's see how long India now lasts.

> What exactly are you trying to prove here? You mean India won't allow
> outside countries nationals to work in India.

Not in IT, through a non-Indian IT company. Of course Oracle-India or IBM-India will have the odd non-Indian there. But even in those, you'll be hard pressed to find a non-Indian national working as anything other than a manager. Which says it all.

> Hey if you play by the visa rules,
> why not?

There is no such thing as visa rules in India. Or China. You're either a multi-national or you don't play. Nothing to do with visas.

> Yes they are Indian citizens. But then I don't know now what point you were
> trying to make. Keep your point at least in one place .. so I don't miss it...

The point is very simple: if you are not an Indian citizen, you got buckleys of getting any work there. Unlike what happens to Indian nationals in other countries. That is NOT open competition in anyone's book.

> Nothing personal Nuno. I'm not taking any sides here.
> But some just cook up stories about Indians which might have happened to some and generalize
> it for all Indians.

Hey! I know you from other fora. Nothing personal here either. In fact I don't give two hoots if it's India, China, Botswana or Outer Mongolia. It's the principle. Not the people involved. Happens to be mostly with India now. In 58years, it will be China. Who knows who is next? Nigeria?

Nuno Souto
Received on Tue Oct 07 2003 - 08:57:19 CDT

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