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Re: Australian trip.

From: Nuno Souto <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 22:33:26 +1000
Message-ID: <3ec0e94f$1$16259$>

"Vox" <> wrote in message news:b9qmij$8q4$

> Hang on. We have an issue here.

No. You, an unidentified person who has seldom if ever contributed to this group, may have an "issue". I and a lot of others don't. How's that for size?

> Please, Jonathan, do you held your seminars for free or some admission needs
> to be payed?

Do you sell your wares under another identification or are they for free?

> advertisement channel. In that case you are breaching group and ethic
> etiquette.

And you appear to have a good grasp on what that "etiquette and ethic" is? Please enlighten us all?

While you are at it, please identify yourself. Right now. With your name and some proof of identity. We all do identify ourselves here. Why don't you? Afraid of something we shouldn't know about?

> If seminars are free of charge then I'm just wondering how you can travel
> around the world without financial input.

No, you are not "wondering". You are insinuating with a very well defined intention.

> I appreciate your long term contribution and other people as well.

Funny, I don't remember your contributions here or even a statement of being a listener. How come you "appreciate" contributions all of a sudden?

> that this group is public unprofitable space with the majority of silent
> very well qualified DBAs and minority of loud frequent posters.

Hmmmm. If the "loud frequent posters" shut up what happens to the "silent very qualified" ones? Do they start talking or just keep, well, silent? Would make for a very interesting group...

> frequency does not allow anyone to reshape this newsgroup in any other
> directions or to use blunt language in any context.

And non-frequency does not give you or anybody else the right to come here and heap on frequent contributors who are the life of this group. And have made it what it is. OBTW, where was the blunt language from Jonathan? Or was that also an insinuation?

You on the contrary are just noise. Not happy? Then go away to whatever hole you came from, troll.

Nuno Souto
Received on Tue May 13 2003 - 07:33:26 CDT

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