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Re: Recover Help Please - needs more recovery

From: Howard J. Rogers <>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 19:31:32 +1000
Message-ID: <a8ucfu$iu7$>

I think I already answered these queries on April 4th, but here goes again anyway...

Resources for Oracle :

"Paul Kohlmiller" <> wrote in message

> I am reading your book and it may help me. But I wonder if any of the
> following are possible:
> 1. If I say recover database using backup controlfile until cancel, then
> type Cancel, it just says media recovery cancelled. If I leave out the
> "using backup controlfile" it simply tells me that I have to use it and
> quits immediately. Anyway to get it to stop insisting on the backup
> controlfile?
No. What's happening is that Oracle is detecting that the SCN in the header of the control file is earlier than one or more SCN's in the header of the data files. Therefore, it knows you are using a binary backed up version of the control file, and 'using backup controlfile' is simply telling it the truth.
> 2. Is it possible take the system tablespace file offline, recover the
> datafile and bring it back online?
Nope. SYSTEM is the one and only tablespace that can never be taken offline. It's got the data dictionary in it: you need that to do any work anywhere any time in the rest of the database. Therefore, it can never be made unavailable.
> 3. I don't have a set of backup files for the entire database at the point
> before things got screwy (that part in your book where you say "sack the
> trainee" - well that's kind of me only I never exactly volunteered to be
> trainee). Is it possible to create a new datafile(6.4.4 in your book) for
> the system tablespace that would cause me to lose all users but still be
> able to get at the user's data that is in another tablespace? Or is it
> that losing the system tablespace means all hope is gone?
All hope is gone. Sorry. Pay big bucks, and someone somewhere will be able to extract the data (I think someone mentioned Oracle themselves can do it)... but it's hideously expensive. That, of course, is what backups are for: saving you from that kind of expense.
> 4. Open resetlogs sounds exactly like what I want it to do but it just
> "enough recovery" to suit Oracle's sensibilities. Is there something like
> Force Resetlogs?
No. Open resetlogs *does* force the issue. If it won't work then it will be because the database is screwed. Big time. And forcing the issue would simply result in a logically corrupted database, which can't happen. Regards HJR
> Thanks,
> Paul K
Received on Tue Apr 09 2002 - 04:31:32 CDT

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