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Re: OAS and 8i on single machine (NT4.0)

From: Van Messner <>
Date: 2000/04/17
Message-ID: <>

Here's some help -

Installing - NT Oracle 8.15 on P500 / P266 Client Server - OEM 2.0.4 - Des/Dev 6.0 - OAS 4.0.7

Oracle Server 8.1.5
1. I made a directory on the E drive E:\Oracle\Ora815, then put in the Oracle Enterprise Server release
CD-ROM. When prompted for an Oracle Home Name I used Orant815 and for a path I used
E:\Oracle\Ora815. DO NOT use an Oracle home of "Orant" - this is reserved for Designer/Developer.
2. When prompted for a product to install I chose Oracle Enterprise Edition 8.1.5
3. When asked I chose a custom install. I used the pre-selected defaults but changed these things:
I added under Net8 Products - Oracle SNMP Agent I added under Oracle Utilities - Oracle for Windows NT Performance Monitor
I added under Oracle Installation Products - Oracle Universal Installer
Some things that were not included were:

	Oracle Web Publishing Assistant
	Oracle SQLJ
	Oracle Documentation
	Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT
4. A message box appeared saying I had chosen to install advanced security and which authentication
services did I want. I did not select any authentication service.
5. I said yes when asked if I wanted to create a new (sample) database.
6. I was then asked for a global database name and SID. For the name I used ORCL.GLENHILL and for the SID I used ORCL 7. I chose not to install Legato storage manager (for now). 8. For protocols I chose to install TCP/IP, SPX and Named Pipes. I left out LU6.2
9. This install session is logged to
C:\Program Files \ Oracle \ Inventory \ logs \ installActions.log 10. Next I was placed into the Net8 Configuration assistant. For the listener name I chose "LISTENER" To start I chose just the TCP protocol. I also chose to use just Net8 clients (not IIOP for now - the interorb protocol that is used when clients are using the listener to access the database Java option. I may have to come back and add this). I also chose port 1521 for the listener. And I chose to do just a single listener. 11. I chose not to configure naming methods for this server. One of the reasons to configure naming
methods is if the server will need to connect back to itself. I may have to come back and configure naming methods in the future. (Naming methods are used by Net8 to resolve a net service name to an address when attempting to connect a client to a server. They serve the same function that DNS servers do in making telnet or browser connections.)
12. After Net8 completed successfully I was thrown into the database configuration assistant where I chose to do a custom install. Here are some of my choices.
Type of database:			hybrid
Concurrently connected users:	15
Database mode:			dedicated server mode
Options to configure:			all
Global Database Name:		ORCL.GLENHILL

Init file:
Internal Password: oracle (all in lower case, if it ever matters)
Control Files:


Maximum Data Files:			254
Maximum Log Files:			32
Maximum Log Members:		3
Data files:				In general I used the

defaults but made pctincrease 0, maxextents 249 where possible and used the H drive for file copies. I made all the initial and next sizes powers of two where possible.
Shared Pool Size (bytes):		53M
Block Buffers:				5000
Log Buffer Size (bytes):		32768
Processes:				150
Block Size (bytes):			8192

Trace File for User Files:
Trace File for Background Files:
13. After making my choices the database creation assistant attempted to create a database. During the attempt to install Oracle JServer I got an ORA-00604 error. I said to ignore the error and to proceed. Three more errors followed which I also ignored.
The creation assistant finished with the usual passwords SYS - change_on_install                                                                 

System - manager
14. De-installation instructions are in the document in Programs / Oracle-Orant815 / Release Notes
Clean Machine instructions are in the same. 15. Using steps similar to those above I added a second database named INDI.
16. For both databases I did the general post-creation steps listed in the section Oracle/Installing/8.1.5 General Post-Installation Steps.

Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.0.4
Next I put in the OEM 2.0.4 CD-ROM. This product has to install in a separate Oracle Home.
1. First, I made sure the processes parameter in the init.ora file was set to 250. When prompted for an Oracle Home Name I used Oem204. For a location I created a directory, then used F:\Oracle\Oem204.
2. For an installation I chose Management Server and Enterprise Manager Client
3. I chose a custom installation so I could see the choices. The default is to install everything but I chose not to install the universal installer because it was a lower version than the one I had installed with Oracle 8.1.5
4. When asked I checked that the management server would require a new repository.
5. A message box appeared saying that after I successfully configured my Management Server to access a repository, I must manually register the Oracle Application Manager with the Management Server. To do this get the instructions at F:\Oracle\Oem204\sysman\doc\readme\OEMREADME.txt 6. Among the many products installed are DBA Management Pack
Enterprise Manager Console
Instance Manager
Oracle Applications Manager (version 1.0 beta) Replication Manager (version 2.0 beta)
Schema Manager
Security Manager
Storage Manager

        Install actions are logged to C: \ Program Files \ Oracle \ Inventory \logs \ InstallActions.log. The log already there is renamed to the date and time the new one was created.
7. I went to SQL*Plus and created user sysman identified by sysman. Then I granted connect, resource and dba to sysman.
8. When I got the select database for repository window I entered User Name: sysman Password: sysman Service: elvis:1521:orcl
9. The repository owner is sysman, password sysman. After the install I tried to log on as sysman/sysman but that is the repository owner and password in the database. The OEM administrator and password have a default setting of sysman and oem_temp. I logged in to OEM as sysman/oem_temp, then immediately changed the password to sysman. Now I can log in as sysman/sysman. Even though I made the database repository owner and the OEM administrator both sysman/sysman, they represent two different things.
10. I went into the control panel and started the intelligent agent by hand. Then I did discover nodes and used node which is the IP address I assigned to elvis during the install of WindowsNT.
Then I used the CD-ROM with the tuning pack to do a custom install the tuning pack. The installation wizard made it look like it would install a lot more, but it recognized that things were installed already and added only the tuning pack pieces. Once again I had to deselect the Oracle Installer from the list of pieces to install, since the version on this CD-ROM is older than the one already installed I did the same thing for three more CD-ROMs - Change Management Pack, Standard Management Pack and Oracle Diagnostics Pack.
11. To get all the sub-products to work I had to change the temporary tablespace for each user to TEMP. I had to add another 200M datafile to the system tablespace. I had to edit the two tnsnames.ora files set up by OEM on drive F and add an entry for ORCL.GLENHILL which looks the same as the entry ORCL in the tnsnames.ora file set up for the 8.1.5 database on drive E 12. I did not do the separate steps for installing Oracle Application Manager mentioned in step 5. This is a beta product we don't need at this time. 13. I brought up Enterprise Manager Console and discovered the nodes. On some we have no intelligent
14. agent running and I had to enter database information by hand. Typical information looks like this: / 1526 / orcl

Oracle Designer/Developer 6.0
At this point I installed Oracle Designer. There are three parts to this. First install the client software on the P266. Then install the server software and create a repository database or a

repository schema in a database.  Finally configure the init.ora
parameters and registry entries if any changes are necessary.
Oracle Designer must install into an Oracle home named Orant.

C1	At the client go to control panel services and shut down
any Oracle services. In my case none was started. Then put in the Oracle Designer 6.0 CD-ROM and run an install. The name of the Oracle home is DEFAULT_HOME, the location is ?:\ORANT. I chose a packaged install and selected the following packages: Analysis, Design and Generation - Generators for Oracle Developer - Object Extensions. I had to select whether I wanted version 7 or version 8 of SQL*Plus and Import/Export. I chose version 8. Then the installer started.
The install completed and I got a message that to have all the functionality I needed to install report builder and form builder These were not on the CD-ROM so I did nothing for the time being. Finally, I restarted the two services I had stopped and made sure SQL*Plus still worked and I could connect to my databases.
C2 On the server I changed the init.ora parameter open_cursors = 400. Then I bounced the database. I made sure the listener was started. I started SQL*Plus as sys and ran this script e:\oracle\ora815\rdbms\admin\catexp7. Then I created two tablespaces, one for tables and one for indexes: create tablespace DEV60_REPOS_TABLES
datafile 'E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\DEV60_REPOS_TABLES01.DBF' size 100M default storage (initial 128K next 128K pctincrease 0);

create tablespace DEV60_REPOS_INDEXES
datafile 'E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\DEV60_REPOS_INDEXES01.DBF' size 100M default storage (initial 128K next 128K pctincrease 0);

I created one large rollback segment for the install:

create tablespace INSTALL_DEV60
datafile 'E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\INSTALL_DEV60.DBF' size 70M default storage (initial 256K next 256K pctincrease 0);

create rollback segment INSTALL_RBS_DEV60 tablespace INSTALL_DEV60
storage (initial 1M next 1M minextents 3 optimal 4M);

alter rollback segment INSTALL_RBS_DEV60 online;

Then I took the other rollback segments offline:

select segment_name, tablespace_name, status from dba_rollback_segs;
alter rollback segment xxx offline; (this turned out to be rollback segments RB0 and RB1)

Then I created a repository owner and granted connect and resource to him

create user DEV60 identified by DEV60
default tablespace DEV60_REPOS_TABLES
temporary tablespace TEMP;
grant connect, resource to DEV60;

C3 Now I moved back to the client and performed the next set of steps. First I logged onto the server from the client as sys using the SQL*Plus version 8. I ran @f:\orant\repadm60\utl\ckrorole. Then I ran the following individual SQL statements:

grant execute on dbms_lock to DEV60;
grant execute on dbms_pipe to DEV60;
grant select on dba_rollback_segs to DEV60; grant select on dba_segments to DEV60;
grant create sequence to DEV60;
grant create synonym to DEV60;
grant create table to DEV60;
grant des2000_owner to DEV60;

I modified the DEV60 tnsnames.ora file. I closed SQL*Plus then ran start > programs > oracle designer r6.0 > repository administration utility. I connected as DEV60 / DEV60 / ORCL.GLENHILL. At this point I followed the steps starting on page 2.18 through page 2.29 of the Designer Installation Guide. These steps check to see whether you have installed the necessary pieces successfully. I had to modify the registry entries for EXECUTE_IMPORT, EXECUTE_EXPORT and EXECUTE_PLUS_RAU. After the checks, while in the Install a Designer/2000 Repository Instance dialog box I pressed "Start". Many objects were created and actual data was imported from zipped files. I looked at the log files from the install to see whether all had gone well. C4 Finally there are the post-creation steps. I brought rollback segments RB0 and RB1 back online. I left the large INSTALL_RBS_DEV60 in place until I can find out whether it is useful. Then I used the repository administration utility to view objects and check whether any were disabled, invalid or missing. None was. I changed the init.ora parameter max_enabled_roles=50 then bounced the database. I ran two scripts to enable pinning in the shared pool: @e:\oracle\ora815\rdbms80\admin\dbmspool and @e:\oracle\ora815\rdbms80\admin\prvtpool.plb. Then I granted access to DEV60:

        grant execute on sys.dbms_shared_pool to DEV60;

I restarted the designer repository administration utility and checked that pinning worked by pressing the little pin symbol. All went OK. Finally, following the instructions on page 2.27 of the Designer installation manual I created a test application system.
C5 During the install of Oracle Designer, several pieces of Oracle Developer are installed. But not enough. If you try to do something as simple as running the Designer tutorial you will not be able to until you install Developer. Installing Developer is a two part process. First you install whatever pieces you don't already have from the Developer 6.0 CD-ROM. Then you install patches from the Developer 6.0 Patch 1 set CD-ROM.

        These are the pieces I installed from the Developer 6.0 CD-ROM

		JDK Applet Viewer
		Oracle Developer Demos, Addons
		Oracle Developer Forms
		Oracle Developer Procedure Builder
		Oracle Developer Project Builder
		Oracle Developer Schema Builder
		Oracle Developer Trans Builder
		Oracle Developer Reports Express Support
		Oracle Express Connection Editor
		Oracle Developer Database Tables
		Oracle Developer Graphics Graphics Builder
		Oracle Developer Graphics Cue Card Sound
		Oracle Developer Reports Builder
		Oracle Developer Reports Cue Card Sound Files  (this failed)		
	These are the pieces I installed from the Developer 6.0
patchset 1 CD-ROM
	GUI Common Files
	JDK Applet Viewer
	Oracle Developer Database Tables
	Oracle Developer Forms  (but not the web
	Oracle Developer Graphics (but not graphics
	Oracle Developer Procedure Builder
	Oracle Developer Reports (but not multitier
server and not thin client)
	Oracle Jinitiator
	Require Support Files
	Tools Utilities

Oracle Application Server 4.0.7
Now I installed Oracle Application Server from the CD_ROM. Note: The documentation I have from Oracle is very helpful for installing, modifying an install, or removing OAS. You can choose to do a single node or a multi-node install. For this first try I chose to do a single node install. That means I'll be installing a web request broker with an Oracle Administrator listener, an Oracle HTTP listener, and Oracle Application Server cartridges. For this first install I'll try to use Oracle products whenever possible. Later I can try integrating Microsoft, Netscape and/or third-party products.

  1. Pre-Checks
  2. We are going to need a variety of ports. First we need a "boot port" which will be used by the installer. The installer will actually use three ports: the one you name as part of the installation and the two immediately following. I would like to use 2649 so I will need to have 2649, 2650 and 2651 all free. Known reserved ports are in C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\ However, there may be ports in use that are not in the "known" list. You can look at ports on your machine with netstat. See the section on netstat in this book. Second we need a port for the Node Manager Listener. This is the one used for all administration work. I want to use 8888. Third we need a (TCP) port for the Utilities Administration Listener. This is the one used to run utilities such as the Log Analyzer. I want to use 8889. Fourth we need a port for the Web Listener. I want to use port 80. The proxy server already set in Netscape is named ldfwsvr2 and runs on port 80. Jack says this will not cause a problem, although there may be an issue with the firewall - see step 13 below.
  3. STOP all Oracle processes and services. If the MSDTC service is running stop that as well.
  4. If the Netscape configuration file magnus.conf is empty, the registration process will abort and cause the browser to hang. Ensure that a valid Netscape magnus.conf file is present before registering the Netscape listener. (This only if you are going to use a Netscape listener. I am not going to.)
  5. Oracle may modify certain environment variables. Make sure that current settings for things like PATH are no more than 250-300 characters so you don't bump up against the 512 character limit.
  6. Now the actual installation begins. Stop all Oracle processes and services. I am putting this product in its own Oracle Home. name: Oas407 location: G:\Oracle\Oas
  7. I chose the enterprise edition. I used the export CD-ROM so I have a 40-bit install. For now, that's fine.
  8. Decide what kind of install - I chose complete.
  9. The installer asked for the TCP/IP domain for the network. I left this blank.
  10. The default web site name of website40 and boot port of 2649 are what I used. (Oracle will also use ports 650 and 2651.)
  11. The port for the node manager listener is 8888 and the username/password combination is admin/oasadmin. This user will perform administration tasks on the OAS by using the Oracle Application Server Manager. This same name and password are used to administer the Administration Utilities
  12. The TCP/IP port I want for the Administration Utilitiy listener is 8889.
  13. The Web Listener name and port are set to www and 80 by default. I accepted both defaults for now.
  14. I was asked which Oracle JDBC drivers to install. The default was to install them all so I did that. Oracle says this completes the installation, which is technically true. However, there are a number of additional steps to take before anything is useful.
  15. Reboot the machine.
  16. Now there are some problems to be fixed with the help of Oracle support. First we need an entry in the c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file of the client which names the local machine and the "server" machine: localhost elvis Then in the Client's control panel/network go to the protocols tab and select TCP/IP and go to properties. In the WINS address tab see that "enable LMHOSTS lookup" is checked. My default under the IP address tab is to specify an IP address. The one specified is for the client with a subnet mask of My default under the DNS tab is to have only the host name filled in (vannt). Then in the Server's control panel/network go to the protocols tab and select TCP/IP and go to properties. In the WINS address tab see that "enable LMHOSTS lookup" is checked. My default under the IP address tab is to specify an IP address. The one specified for the server is with a subnet mask of My default under the DNS tab is to have only the host name filled in (ELVIS).
  17. Now you can connect to the welcome page. Use a web browser to connect to http://hostname.domain:port_number. For my P500 machine this is http://elvis:8888 (Under start menu/programs/Oracle Application Server, Oracle has provided a two page document OAS 4.0 readme which is specific to the install you just completed.) You are asked for the node manager's username and password which is admin/oasadmin. Go into the OAS manager and expand the site map on the left. Under HTTP listeners pick the first listener then double click on Network. The first line is filled in using the name of my computer ELVIS. Fill in an identical second line but use the IP address ( instead of the computer name. Pick the second listener and do the same thing.
  18. There are some Oracle bugs to be taken care of next. (TAR 12548347.600 2 / 1 / 588271# / 1 / 4 / 1 ) Go to the Oracle web site and download the 4.07.1 upgrade and apply it as below: ( 0/). The installed Oracle OAS is on the G drive. The patch is on the D drive. In DOS set the Oracle home >set ORACLE_HOME=G:\Oracle\Oas If you have any OAS processes running, shut them down
    >owsctl stop
    >owsctl stop -nodemgr
    Then check in services that the services are actually stopped. Run the script install.bat
    >cd d:\alldata\downlds\oas40710\oracle_app_server
    Copy over a file
    >cd G:\oracle\oas\ows\4.0\bin
    >copy owsctl_ent.exe owsctl.exe
    (for the standard edition this would be >copy owsctl_std.exe owsctl.exe) Do a quick check >cd g:\oracle\oas >dir /s *.prepatch.4071 You should see a list of file names and at the end a "Total Files Listed" as xxx files. These are the backup files of OAS If you need to revert back to the pre-patch version of any OAS pieces you will have to
    >cd e:\oracle\oas\ows\4.0\bin (or wherever)
    >cp oraweb40.exe.prepatch.4071 oraweb40.exe for
    example Also, Oracle support emailed me a patch, e:\alldata\download\oaspatch\Bg768157 that is sometimes needed to fix problems in a configuration like mine. I did not need to apply the patch. But if you do apply the patch then afterwards, to fix a bug in the (non-enterprise edition only), open a DOS box and type >wrbtypset -e
  19. At this point you are running the OAS Management tool. What follows are steps to get the samples provided by Oracle to run successfully. In the database I'm going to use, I created a user oasadmin/oasadmin. This is a slightly different name from the actual administration tool user. On the one hand I could name the database user something else to keep the distinction clear. On the other hand I then have to remember another set of usernames and passwords.
  20. From the home page of the OAS Manager choose Utilities/Install/PLSQL Toolkit. You will be asked for the SID, connect string and password. You need fill in only the SID and the password for sys. You do not need a connect string at this point. Press the button "apply" and you'll see a log box showing what's going on. I was lucky and the only errors were ones for dropping objects that did not exist. Those can be ignored. When things were completed a new user had been created in the database: oas_public with an unknown password. This user owns a dozen or so packages, all of which are valid. I changed the user's temporary tablespace away from SYSTEM. Similarly install the Log Analyzer and the Log Tables.
  21. Reboot the computer or stop and restart OAS. I now created a user oas_samp identified by oas_samp. This will be the user that owns the sample tables that I will want to drop at some point. Then back in the OAS Server Manager choose Oracle Application Server/DB Access Descriptor and add a DAD for the database user oas_samp. I used these values: DAD Name DOASSAMP Database User OAS_SAMP Database User Password OAS_SAMP Database Location (Host) ELVIS Database Name (Oracle SID) ORCL Connect String ORCL.GLENHILL (although this is not necessary if you are not transaction enabling the DAD and it is for a local database) When I pressed apply I was asked for DBA account info. I wasn't sure which user to put in data for since several have DBA privileges. In the end I figured it would be safest to use SYS. I chose not to transaction enable the DAD for now. From the OAS Manager Home Page I chose Samples Demos. I was asked for the Administration Port number which I made 8889 during the install (step 9 above). I was asked for the username and password for the Admin Server. I chose admin/oasadmin. Since I had a user for the sample packages and a DAD, I chose to proceed with installing the samples.
  22. I was asked for information and used this: Database Username OAS_SAMP Database Password OAS_SAMP Connection String ORCL.GLENHILL DBA Username sys DBA Password sys Then I checked the box for cartridge PL/SQL. The packages installed with several errors, but the installer indicated a successful install at the end. Going into SQL*Plus I can see that one package body, CNT is invalid. I tried compiling it by hand with no luck. Then I repeated these steps for cartridge LiveHTML, then for JWeb, then for JCO, then for Cweb, then for MIDE Tools. Now tables and indexes have been added to the valid objects owned by OAS_SAMP.
  23. At last. You can now go into any web browser and attach to the OAS Manager by entering http://elvis:8888/ From there you can run the sample applications and see the code behind each one.

Additional Notes
You can install OAS into its own home and configure one database listener to support n database instances. You can then configure the OAS listener to access each of the three instances serviced by that one database listener by configuring a separate DAD for each - oracle support
Do not use the OracleOASStart40 Service to stop and start OAS. If OAS and Oracle are on the same machine then you must place entries into the \winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file that look like this: localhost server
You may have to change the OAS tnsnames.ora file to look like the 8.1.5 server tnsnames.ora file by adding various connection parameters sets.
In the OAS sqlnet.ora file you may have to change names.default_domain to GLENHILL (or to the domain you installed 8.1.5 to - look in sqlnet.ora for the 8.1.5 server - perhaps "world")
To de-install you must use the installer from the OAS CD-ROM, not the regular installer.
To integrate the OAS with Oracle Enterprise Manager see page C3 in Installation Guide

Received on Mon Apr 17 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT

Original text of this message