Building MySQL 5.7 From Source on Windows

From: Lyle H. Gray <>
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2019 21:25:22 -0500
Message-ID: <XnsAAE2E41904B8Bgraynoibisspamcsumas_at_216.166.97.131>

[Quoted] [Quoted] Without going into the reasons for this (it's a corporate decision that I [Quoted] don't have a say in), I find myself in the following situation:

I need a version of MySQL 5.7 on Windows 10 that supports TLSv1.2. The standard install for 5.7.27 on Windows is apparently build on yaSSL, which only supports TLSv1 and TLSv2. The online documentation for MySQL 5.7 says that OpenSSL will be standard for 5.7.28 and higher, so TLSv1.2 will be available then, but that build isn't GA yet.

MySQL 8.0 isn't an option at this point. Again, not my decision.

[Quoted] So, my option appears to be to build MySQL 5.7 from source. Except that the documentation for building from source appears to be limited to Linux servers.

So, does anyone know of any way to build MySQL 5.7 from source on Windows? Received on Wed Oct 09 2019 - 04:25:22 CEST

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